Wednesday, September 24, 2008

iPhone, lawl.

How to ruin the hype you built up with the iPod.

Step 1: Believe your own hype.
Step 2: Release the phone on a single network.
Step 3: Install a kill switch to feed your ego and piss customers off.
Step 4: Re-release the phone because you left out features that should have been there in the first place.
Step 5: Block app's that compete with your own and steal there feature sets.
Step 6: Ignore your app dev's and watch them run to another competing open source project.
Step 7:...
Step 8: Profit(?)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So I recently accepted a new position with the U (University of Utah). Starting October 1st I'm the Pharmacy Systems Analyst. I'll basically support the live pharmacy software. Big changes and lots to learn for me. But I'll still be working for the same people so atleast there isn't the added social aspect to adjust too.

I know I've told most people about this already, but I figure this is the kind of thing a blog is for. So there you go, I hope you're happy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.
- Augusten Burroughs

Friday, September 12, 2008


So the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) went live this week. If you're out of the loop it's a proton accelerator. It will fire protons at each other so that they explode and the results can be measured. The data will be used to further understand matter, dark matter, etc.

Some groups feared that this process would form tiny black holes that would then detroy the earth. Clearly this hasn't happened. Anyway I've added a link to the web cam, check it out.

LHC Live Web Cam

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So there I was...

So I've got this web space and sometimes I have things to say. I've been saying them in the past on MySpace. But does not reflect the space I am in almost ever. So welcome to a space that is mine, without being MySpace. I may import a couple of my MySpace blog entries here, because I think I'm pretty clever.

Not sure how I'm going to squeeze in another MySpace at this point, kind of running out of idea's on how to beat MySpace into the ground. I know I'll include a link to my MySpace page.

MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace, MySpace.

*This post is probably a bad idea, I'll end up on google for the top 3 links to MySpace (hah did it again, and you thought it was over).